Allow variables to be stored per-project and then referenced in test input data.
Allow common steps (such as logging in) to be grouped and re-used across different tests.
Create variations on tests for different git branches or new versions and then merge them back once that branch/environment goes live.
Automatically run tests whenever a change is pushed to a GitLab repository.
Automatically run tests whenever a change is pushed to a BitBucket repository.
Carbonate should support visual regression testing, either on a whole page or individual elements. I should be able to set the visual difference allowable and then update screenshots to match when things change.
In-order to run tests on a local CI setup, tests should be exportable as Playwright tests.
In-order to easily test things on local host or private IP addresses, there should be an easy to use tunnel software available.
Want to submit something? We're looking forward to your ideas.
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